You can give with cash or direct deposit. We do not receive a formal offering on Sunday mornings. If you have cash tithes or offerings, you can put them in the “Seed” box near the door. If you would like to give by direct deposit, please find details below.

Name: Alive Community Church

Bank: Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633 000

A/C: 208 221 580

Name: Alive Community Church

Bank: Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633 000

A/C: 208 221 648

Please note, if you would like to specify where your giving is to go, please add that in the reference

Name: Alive Community Church

Bank: Bendigo Bank

BSB: 633 000

A/C: 208 221 622

If you would like to give to a specific need that is not missions related, please deposit into the general tithes and offering with a reference to what the money is for.